Wooden and Stone Fairy Houses

I make fairy houses using drift wood, beach pebbles, stones and slate.

These are one of my passions, Ive enjoyed model making (planes and trains) when I was younger and I think this gave me the drive to make my own designs of fairy house and as much to scale as possible.

at the moment I make 2 types....

1. Using driftwood logs or reclaimed tree trunks and 

2. Small pebbles from the beach.

1. The driftwood or trunk is hollowed out and holes are cut for the windows and doors.I decide on the roof type and the base I'm going to use. 

2. Stone buildings are built stone by stone and wall by wall on special jigs and each stone placed by hand. the windows are 'built' in,I the use a fast setting filler to strengthen the walls and give a 'plastered' finish on the inside.

Small fairy house hollowed out drift wood and Devonian mudstone roof and windows.
Tall fairy house with hand cut stone windows and roof, hollowed out drift wood.
The windows and doors are cut from local mudstone pebbles. Each on is drilled and shaped by hand.
slate of the art stone chapple
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